



Reliable Cargo Services

Interested in our services? We provide you with an attractively priced offer based on your specifications. Fast, transparent and tailored.

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Global Coverage

We take care of road transport, sea freight, air freight and intermodal freight transport. We will find you the optimal transport solution.

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Cost Savings Solutions

We provides discounts to members of our protection and emergency services including the military, police and fire fighting and prevention services. We also offer discounts to senior citizens and students.

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Experience In


Countries Servicing


Skilled Drivers
In Our Fleet


Miles Driven
Per Year

Our Best Services

We are the market leader in Logistic Industry.

Why Work With Us?

Some companies think if your problem doesn’t seem that bad they can wait a few days to call you back…. We get back to you fast so you know when your problem will be resolved.

When you choose Virgin Atlantic Express for sub-assembly/configuration, kitting, packaging, and other manufacturing logistics, you'll get more than an efficient ...

Unlike others in our industry, we can prove and show you how we deliver Peace of Mind, Less Downtime, Faster Problem Resolution, Data Protection, Money Savings, Streamlined Communications, and Simplicity in shipping management for you.

We love nothing more than working on a great project with a fantastic client. We care about our clients and can often be found working out of hours to get everything ‘just right’!

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Featured Projects

We strive to ensure we keep to our promises in a fast and efficient manner which variable suits all our clients from all walks of life.

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